Thursday, May 18, 2023

Release Blitz & ARC Review - Contractually Yours by Nadia Lee


Title: Contractually Yours

Author: Nadia Lee

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Tropes: Arranged Marriage/Forced Proximity

Release Date: May 18, 2023




Jewelry heiress Lucienne Peery needs a husband in order to take full control of her company and arranges for a mutually beneficial marriage. When she catches her fiancé in bed with her sister, she demands to marry his older brother instead. And his family agrees to avoid handing over 30% of their own company for breaking the marriage contract.


She only plans to stay married until her control is firmly established. But she does the unthinkable and falls in love with her husband...


When the ruthless and iron-willed Sebastian Lasker is forced to marry a woman fully as scandalous as his embarrassing, disreputable father, he vows revenge. Nobody manipulates him and gets away with it. He’s going to strip her of what she wants from the marriage and get rid of her.


But pride and fortune aren’t the only things at stake as he realizes he can’t let her go...


Contractually Yours is full of a yummy arranged marriage, dislike-to-love, forced proximity, my wife moments, man-grovel and a happy ending.


ARC Review

Contractually Yours is the newest romance by Nadia Lee and the third book in Lasker Brothers series (but can be read as a standalone). It has so many of my favorite tropes: arranged marriage, dislike to love, forced proximity and I absolutely loved it!

Nadia Lee never disappoints! I’ve been waiting for Sebastian’s book since we learned about his arranged marriage in Grant’s book and I can now honestly say Contractually Yours exceeded all my expectations and Sebastian is now definitely my favorite Lasker brother. I loved how both he and Lucienne, despite their difficult childhoods and family troubles, were willing to fight for what they wanted and how great they were together. I loved seeing them opening up to each other and being so supportive, despite their initial dislike there was so much tension between these two and I loved the romance. I always enjoy arranged marriage trope and it was written perfectly here, I love them both so much. I also liked seeing Lasker brothers again and can’t wait to read the remaining brothers’ stories and of course their father was as hilarious as always. 

Contractually Yours is a great romance book that I really recommend to everyone and I already can’t wait for more books from Nadia.









Free in Kindle Unlimited





My ex gives me a once-over and smirks. “Oh, I get it. Looking for a husband.”


I try not to snort. He doesn’t watch the news—thinks it’s boring—and his family apparently hasn’t updated him about my new status. Maybe they disowned him. Wouldn’t that be great?


He continues, “I don’t know why you waste your time like this. Look, I’m happy to let it go if you’ll just see the light and change your mind about our—”


“Don’t hold your breath.” He’s dumber than I thought, bringing up the engagement when I still can’t find enough mind bleach to erase seeing him with my sister.


“There you are,” comes Sebastian’s voice from behind me. “Oh, hello, Preston.”


When he stops next to me, I put my arm around his waist. “What perfect timing.” I smile up at him.


He gives me a mildly curious look, but wraps an arm around my shoulders.


See? This is what you get when you’re with a smart man. He knows the role you’d like him to play without your having to spell it out. The fact that he’s willing to play along without some prior commitment to reciprocate warms my heart. So many people want something first before doing anything for me.


Preston’s brow knits as he takes in the tableau. “You guys are together?”


I triple the wattage of my smile. “Preston, have you met my husband, Sebastian Lasker?”


What?” His shout rings in the wide-open space. “You can’t marry him!”


“I can’t? Oh, that’s too bad.” I tighten my hold on Sebastian, pressing my side against his. “’Cause I kinda already did.” I extend my left hand, so Preston can see my gorgeous Toi et Moi ring and the wedding band.


Sebastian flashes his as well. Man, we make a great team.


Preston blinks rapidly, his eyes fixed on our hardware. Finally, he jerks his head up, his face blotchy. “Why would you want him when you could have me?”


“Seriously? Are you blind?” I ask.


“I can see well enough to know those diamonds are tiny compared to the one I was going to give you!” He points at my finger.


I drop my gaze to his crotch for a second before lifting it back up. “His is both bigger and better than yours.”


Preston looks like he just got punched in the face by Mike Tyson. Sebastian shakes against me in silent laughter.


“What’s so funny?” Preston snarls.


“You.” Sebastian lets the laugh out. “You’re third-rate comedy, but at least you’re entertaining.” He wipes tears from his eyes.


Preston turns to me. “You bitch! It’s all your fault he’s mocking me!”


Sebastian steps forward, pulling away from my arm around his waist, as the mirth melts from his face. “Watch your tone if you want to keep your teeth. Nobody talks to my wife with disrespect.”


I pat his back a few times, to let him know it isn’t necessary for him to react like this. Part of me is flattered and moved that he’s defending me, but another part feels a bit unworthy of his protection because… Well, I did force him to marry me.


Preston slashes the air with his arm. “She’s my fiancée!”


“She was. You call my wife your fiancée again, and I’ll break your face.”





New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Nadia Lee writes sexy, emotional contemporary romance. Born with a love for excellent food, travel and adventure, she has lived in four different countries, kissed stingrays, been bitten by a shark, ridden an elephant and petted tigers.


Currently, she shares a condo overlooking a small river and sakura trees in Japan with her husband and son. When she’s not writing, she can be found reading books by her favorite authors or planning another trip.


Stay in touch with her via her website,, or her blog








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