Thursday, November 10, 2022

ARC Review - The Puppeteer and the Poisoned Pawn by Brandi Elise Szeker

 Thank you so much Brandi Elise Szeker for sending me this ARC!

Title: The Puppeteer and the Poisoned Pawn
Author: Brandi Elise Szeker 
Genre: Dystopia, Dark Romance
Series: The Pawn and the Puppet (book #3) 
Pages: 357


Skylenna's world stops revolving around Dessin as she learns of a new secret he's been hiding. Plagued with betrayal, anger, and paralyzing waves of confusion, Skylenna must put her feelings aside and focus on saving DaiSzek from the Vexamen Breed. But after tragedy strikes, she embarks on a journey alone to learn the dark, epic secrets of her past. The lost memories of her childhood. The missing pieces of Dessin's grand plan.

Yet, what if this sinister truth is enough to tip her over the edge? What happens when the sweet, compassionate girl is gone, and all that's left is a monster born of irreversible trauma?

Skylenna is no longer the helpless pawn to be moved across a board. In fact, it's time for her to take the strings and orchestrate the darkest puppet show to ever reach the stage of the Emerald Lake Asylum.

Review & thoughts:

The Puppeteer and the Poisoned Pawn is the third book in the Pawn and the Puppet series and seriously, if you haven’t started this series yet, believe me, you absolutely need to read it. This series is unlike anything I have ever read and I’ve been obsessed with Skylenna and Dessin since I read the first book in April. 

I finished TP&TPP a few days ago and only now I’m finding words to describe how much I loved it, Brandi really outdid herself with this book. We finally get almost all the answers we were waiting for since book 1 and I’m in awe how the author managed to give us so many clues in books 1 & 2 while making this grand reveal so shocking. I especially love how much Skylenna grew in this book, she became such a badass character and now I’m dying to read more about her and, of course, my favorite character, Dessin (and Kane… Greystone… Aquarus… I just love them all so much). And I need to say this must be one of the most shocking and emotional books I’ve ever read, THAT plot twist just about gave me a heart attack! I cried for the majority of this book, it was so brutal but also satisfying, it broke my heart, pieced it together and then left me so shocked I still can’t believe everything that happened. 

I love TP&TPP and this whole series so much and can’t wait to see where Brandi takes these amazing characters next. Just when I thought we finally know everything, it ended with such a shocking cliffhanger I’m dying to know more, book 4 can’t come soon enough!



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