Sunday, August 4, 2024

ARC Review - Born of Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Thank you so much Blue Box Press for sending me this ARC!

Title: Born of Blood and Ash
Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout
Genre: Dark Romance, Romantic Comedy, Fantasy Romance
Series: Flesh & Fire #4
Pages: 770


The line between love and obsession has never been wider.

While Sera is finally free of Kolis and back with those she loves, not everything is calm. Memories of all she’s endured still haunt her, but Sera finally has hope for a future with the other half of her heart and soul. Nyktos desires, loves, and accepts every part of her—even the monstrous bits she still battles.

More than ever, Sera and Ash have everything under the realms to fight for, and Nyktos has no doubt Sera is fit to be the Queen of the Gods. But she must find that faith within herself if they hope to convince the other Courts to support them against Kolis and make Iliseeum and the mortal realm better, safer places for all.

But as Sera begins to piece together the importance of her bloodline and the true meaning behind the foreboding prophecy, it becomes clear that everything that has happened and is yet to come is much bigger than Kolis and his dark obsessions.

They cannot help but wonder exactly how much influence the Fates have had and what their ultimate goal is. What Sera does know for sure is that they can trust very few—including her.

A battle between the gods is brewing, and heartbreaking losses are imminent with the true Primal of Death strengthening. With a family of the heart willing to battle by their side, can Sera and Nyktos stop Kolis before he destroys the realms, or will it all disappear in a fiery inferno of blood and ash?

And the line between justice and vengeance has never been so thin.

Review & thoughts:

Born of Blood and Ash is the last book in a Fantasy Romance series from Jennifer L. Armentrout (the prequel series to Blood & Ash) and since it was my most anticipated read of this year, it would be an understatement if I said I had big expectations but gods, it was such an utter perfection and even better than I expected, I have already read it twice and am considering rereading again because I can’t say goodbye to these characters.

BOBAA begins right where AFITF ended and there is so much action, plot twists, beautiful moments between Sera and Nyktos and the amazing scenes with our favorite found family that despite it being JLA’s longest book yet, there wasn’t a single boring moment and I wish it was even longer because I didn't want to finish reading.

Nyktos and Sera… I didn’t know it was possible to love fictional character as much as I love these two. Sera must be one of the best FMC I’ve read about, on one hand she is badass and morally grey, willing to do anything for those she cares about, but on the other hand her struggles with anxiety and all the trauma she experienced were written in a really realistic way which made her relatable and I loved that. Nyktos continues to be the perfect partner to Sera and the way he always cares for and supports her never ceases to amaze me. They went through a lot together and it was amazing to see them here finally able to express their feelings, I had tears in my eyes with every single ‘I love you’ and am crying as I’m writing this review now, these two are truly perfect together and one of my top bookish couples, I love them so much and really hope we will get to see a lot of them in the next books in this world.

I really do mean it when I say there are a lot of revelations here and so many things finally make sense, after finishing BOBAA I immediately went to reread this whole series and all Blood & Ash books and it was a whole new experience.

Born from Blood and Ash is the perfect conclusion to this part of Sera and Nyktos’s story, I absolutely loved this book and the whole series. And is it too soon to say I can’t wait for Primal of Blood and Bone? I already know it’s going to be absolutely epic and I’m so excited!



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