Saturday, July 2, 2022

Review - A Shadow in the Ember by Jennifer L. Armentrout


Title: A Shadow in the Ember
Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Series: Flesh & Fire (book #1)
Pages: 647


Born shrouded in the veil of the Primals, a Maiden as the Fates promised, Seraphena Mierel’s future has never been hers. Chosen before birth to uphold the desperate deal her ancestor struck to save his people, Sera must leave behind her life and offer herself to the Primal of Death as his Consort.   

However, Sera’s real destiny is the most closely guarded secret in all of Lasania—she’s not the well protected Maiden but an assassin with one mission—one target. Make the Primal of Death fall in love, become his weakness, and then…end him. If she fails, she dooms her kingdom to a slow demise at the hands of the Rot. 

Sera has always known what she is. Chosen. Consort. Assassin. Weapon. A specter never fully formed yet drenched in blood. A monster. Until him. Until the Primal of Death’s unexpected words and deeds chase away the darkness gathering inside her. And his seductive touch ignites a passion she’s never allowed herself to feel and cannot feel for him. But Sera has never had a choice. Either way, her life is forfeit—it always has been, as she has been forever touched by Life and Death.

Review & thoughts:

Gods, I did not expect this to be so good. A Shadow in the Ember takes place many years before FBAA series and at first I was disappointed we would have to wait longer for the next book about Poppy and Cas, but this book exceeded all my expectations and might be my favorite Jennifer L. Armentrout’s book to date (and I love all her books). 

ASITE is the story of Nyktos, whom we met in The Crown of Gilded Bones, and his Consort, Seraphena. After reading TCOGB and the blurb of ASITE I had some theories about what could happen but I had never been so wrong and just the prologue proved everything I thought I knew incorrect. 

Sera was my favorite type of FMC: she was a badass morally grey character, thinking for herself and willing to do everything in her power to protect those she cared about, even when it demanded some not-so-good actions (I loved how stabby she was which reminded me of Poppy). Ash was just so precious and completely different from what I was expecting but in a really good way, he and Sera were so great together they became one of my favorite bookish couples. 

After FBAA books I thought we learned almost everything about this extensive world, but ASTE turned everything I knew upside down. There are so many lies, plot twists and revelations there is not a single boring moment in this book, which just shows how amazing Jennifer L. Armentrout is since this book is over 600 pages long. And that ending was so unexpected and brilliant, I did not see that coming. 

I really really loved ASITE and honestly can’t wait for the next book, I think I am even more excited about this series than the next FBAA book, it was so good. Jennifer L. Armentrout is a real mastermind and I am looking forward to reading everything she creates next.



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