Sunday, April 28, 2024

ARC Review - Lights Out by Navessa Allen

Thank you so much Navessa Allen for sending me this ARC!

Title: Lights Out
Author: Navessa Allen
Genre: Dark Romance, Romantic Comedy
Series: Standalone
Pages: 454


“I don’t need another kink.”

That thought pops into my head whenever I pull up my favorite social media app, but alas, every time I scroll, I learn something new about myself, and another one is born. And yes, I know I’m responsible for what the algorithm shows me, but I’m trying to ignore that fact.

Lately, my feed has been dominated by masked men. I’ve favorited videos with them dressed in full cosplay, decked out in futuristic military apparel, and wrapped up like ghouls.

But more than anything else, my FYP is filled with shirtless men wearing ghost masks. Bonus points if they’re heavily tattooed, wielding a knife, or covered in fake blood. At night, I dream about being chased by them, of them catching me and doing deliciously dark things to my more than willing body.

I never could have guessed that by sending one drunken text, those dreams would become my new reality.

Review & thoughts:

Lights Out is a standalone book and a mix of Dark Romance and Romantic Comedy and I had so much fun reading it, I really enjoyed it! 

I’m not going to say much about the plot of this book because I think it’s best to go blind into it, but I think the plot was interesting and perfectly paced and the book being a 
mix of rom com and dark romance made it a really unique read that I loved. Aly, our FMC, is a trauma nurse and a really strong woman, I really liked her from the first page and loved seeing her explore her sexual preferences and watching those videos on social media. 

Josh was definitely different than I expected and that’s what made this book truly different. He was a stalker and definitely a morally grey MMC, but he also wanted to be different from his serial killer father which made him overthink and also not be overconfident, the way he was trying to woo Aly was so cute and funny at times, I really liked him. 

Josh and Aly together were absolutely amazing, I loved all the banter, the spice and the way they slowly fell in love, they were perfect together. And I don’t want to spoil anything but that second part of the book was totally unexpected and I was on the edge of my seat trying to figure everything out and wondering how it will all end and let me just say I loved how everything turned out. 

Lights Out is a really great book and I really recommend it to all dark romance lovers, I already can’t wait for more books from this author!



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