Monday, April 29, 2024

ARC Review - Mayhem & Minnie by Veronica Lancet

 Thank you so much Chaotic Creative Services for sending me this ARC!

Title: Mayhem & Minnie
Author: Veronica Lancet
Genre: Dark Romance, Romantic Comedy, Fantasy Romance
Series: Marlowe and Minnie (book #1)
Pages: 668


He’s a neurotic serial killer. She’s the woman he cannot kill.

Marlowe Spencer-Astor is in a slump. He hasn’t killed a single soul in one hundred seventy four days. Not even therapy could solve his murderous problem, though he promised his mother he’d try.

But then he sees a homeless girl by the side of the road.


She’s naked, dirty and smelly–everything that triggers his OCD.

Though he’s never killed a woman before, Marlowe sees this as an opportunity to get out of his slump.

She would be his greatest kill, his missing muse.

So he hires her as his maid while he plots the perfect murder.

But odd things start happening around her.

All the men who see her become bewitched by her. And as Marlowe slowly reconsiders his plan to kill her, he realizes she must have put a spell on him too.

Or did she? 

By the time Marlowe realizes who, or what Minnie is, he becomes embroiled in an ancient conflict between gods and demons that threatens the stability of the universe. And when his life is in danger, will Minnie be his friend, or his foe?

Review & thoughts:

Mayhem and Minnie is the first book in a new series from Veronica Lancet. It’s a dark romance with fantasy elements, many laugh out loud scenes, amazing characters and unique romance, I absolutely loved it and already can’t wait for the next part of Marlowe and Minnie’s story!

Marlowe is a serial killer with ADHD and OCD who kills only men and after half a year of no kills, he decides it’s time to find a new victim. When he saves a homeless woman from being abused and has no choice but to take her home, he makes a decision to make her his maid while he’s planning her murder. Minnie, who is messy, has no manners and is Marlowe’s polar opposite, should be the last person he might come to like, but when he realizes he can’t force himself to hurt her, let alone kill her, he thinks she might be the one for him, and with unexplainable things happening around Minnie, he must either finally kill her or pursue a true relationship with her. 

This book was completely different from what I expected but in the best way possible, it’s a long book with over 600 pages, but I was so hooked in on every word I didn’t realize how quickly I flew through the pages and wanted even more when I got to the end. The way the author set this story is so interesting, we have a modern world with some fascinating fantasy elements and while it’s a bit of dark romance, there was so much humor I was laughing out loud so many times with literal tears in my eyes, some scenes and Marlowe’s thoughts were just hilarious. 

Both Marlowe and Minnie are truly unique characters and I adored them, they grew a lot, both separately and as a couple, and I am so excited to see them again in the next book. This book is wholly from Marlowe’s POV and I loved seeing everything through his eyes, it was so interesting and his thoughts were so funny at times. The romance was a slow burn and there was definitely the case of ‚she fell first, he fell harder’, I loved all their scenes and conversations together, how possessive he was of her despite claiming to not like her and how amazing they were when they finally got together. I just love these two and already can’t wait to see them again, especially after that cliffhanger. 

Mayhem and Minnie is a really unique and incredible read that I definitely recommend to everyone. Book 2 can’t come soon enough!



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ARC Review - Mayhem & Minnie by Veronica Lancet

  Thank you so much  Chaotic Creative Services  for sending me this ARC! Title: Mayhem & Minnie Author:  Veronica Lancet Genre: Dark Rom...