Friday, March 31, 2023

ARC Review - Season Warriors & Wolves by Wendy Heiss

 Thank you so much Wendy Heiss for sending me this ARC!

Title: Season Warriors & Wolves
Author: Wendy Heiss
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Series: The Quran Chronicles (book #3) 
Pages: 647


In a god cursed realm, where rage is the food of war, Snowlin was already satiated.

Now a prisoner of her father again, she has no choice but to play gambit for the sake of the people she loves. With only three pieces away from forming the Octa Virga, the Winter King prepares his armies of monsters and humans to overtake the realm and claim it as his own—crown himself a God. But his daughter lays the chessmen to play one last game of deceit.

Who will move first?

A pawn can be a queen, but a queen can never be a pawn.
And a king who has lost his queen will do everything to claim her back.

An alliance like no other forms in Numen to face the inevitable war. The odds knew no favour to the wicked or kind in Numengarth, but there were no odds to favour the wicked or kind as the realm awaits to see which Guardian will remain at the end of it all.

Flame or lightning.

While eyes are blinded by power, who will lose grasp of it first? The greedy King or the cursed Queen?

Review & thoughts:

Season Warriors & Wolves is the third and last book in a Dark Fantasy Romance series The Auran Chronicles. I loved these books since book 1 and this last one just confirmed my conviction that this is one of my all time favorite book series.

Season Warriors & Wolves begins a few weeks after the events of SG&S and since the second book left off on a huge cliffhanger, I’m not going to say much about the plot. I was really satisfied with how things turned out and loved every single moment I spent with this book. So much is happening here, we get everything we loved in the first two books and even more, there are more of Snow’s secret plans with grand reveals, more crazy action and fighting scenes, more mind-blowing plot twists, more enemies turned allies and betrayals, more banter and of course more sweet moments between our favorite characters.

I love all characters in this series so much and am extremely happy we will get to see more of them in the upcoming novellas. But my absolute favorites are definitely Snowlin and Kilian, these two stole my heart in the first book and are one of my favorite bookish couples. I loved how perfect they are for each other and how they always support each other. After everything they went through in the first two books, here they can finally freely admit their feelings and I loved all their scenes together, the adorable and sweet ones and, of course, their amazing banter. I just love them and I’m already missing them, hope we will see them too in the novellas. 

Season Warriors & Wolves is the perfect ending to an incredible series that I really loved and am already planning a reread. Seriously, that ending is perfect, I was crying through those final chapters because I didn’t want to finish this book, it is definitely one of my favorite books ever and I already can’t wait to read more books by this author. If you haven’t read this series yet and enjoy Dark Fantasy Romance books, trust me, you should give this series a try, it is truly incredible.



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