Thursday, May 18, 2023

Release Blitz & ARC Review - Contractually Yours by Nadia Lee


Title: Contractually Yours

Author: Nadia Lee

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Tropes: Arranged Marriage/Forced Proximity

Release Date: May 18, 2023




Jewelry heiress Lucienne Peery needs a husband in order to take full control of her company and arranges for a mutually beneficial marriage. When she catches her fiancé in bed with her sister, she demands to marry his older brother instead. And his family agrees to avoid handing over 30% of their own company for breaking the marriage contract.


She only plans to stay married until her control is firmly established. But she does the unthinkable and falls in love with her husband...


When the ruthless and iron-willed Sebastian Lasker is forced to marry a woman fully as scandalous as his embarrassing, disreputable father, he vows revenge. Nobody manipulates him and gets away with it. He’s going to strip her of what she wants from the marriage and get rid of her.


But pride and fortune aren’t the only things at stake as he realizes he can’t let her go...


Contractually Yours is full of a yummy arranged marriage, dislike-to-love, forced proximity, my wife moments, man-grovel and a happy ending.


ARC Review

Contractually Yours is the newest romance by Nadia Lee and the third book in Lasker Brothers series (but can be read as a standalone). It has so many of my favorite tropes: arranged marriage, dislike to love, forced proximity and I absolutely loved it!

Nadia Lee never disappoints! I’ve been waiting for Sebastian’s book since we learned about his arranged marriage in Grant’s book and I can now honestly say Contractually Yours exceeded all my expectations and Sebastian is now definitely my favorite Lasker brother. I loved how both he and Lucienne, despite their difficult childhoods and family troubles, were willing to fight for what they wanted and how great they were together. I loved seeing them opening up to each other and being so supportive, despite their initial dislike there was so much tension between these two and I loved the romance. I always enjoy arranged marriage trope and it was written perfectly here, I love them both so much. I also liked seeing Lasker brothers again and can’t wait to read the remaining brothers’ stories and of course their father was as hilarious as always. 

Contractually Yours is a great romance book that I really recommend to everyone and I already can’t wait for more books from Nadia.









Free in Kindle Unlimited





My ex gives me a once-over and smirks. “Oh, I get it. Looking for a husband.”


I try not to snort. He doesn’t watch the news—thinks it’s boring—and his family apparently hasn’t updated him about my new status. Maybe they disowned him. Wouldn’t that be great?


He continues, “I don’t know why you waste your time like this. Look, I’m happy to let it go if you’ll just see the light and change your mind about our—”


“Don’t hold your breath.” He’s dumber than I thought, bringing up the engagement when I still can’t find enough mind bleach to erase seeing him with my sister.


“There you are,” comes Sebastian’s voice from behind me. “Oh, hello, Preston.”


When he stops next to me, I put my arm around his waist. “What perfect timing.” I smile up at him.


He gives me a mildly curious look, but wraps an arm around my shoulders.


See? This is what you get when you’re with a smart man. He knows the role you’d like him to play without your having to spell it out. The fact that he’s willing to play along without some prior commitment to reciprocate warms my heart. So many people want something first before doing anything for me.


Preston’s brow knits as he takes in the tableau. “You guys are together?”


I triple the wattage of my smile. “Preston, have you met my husband, Sebastian Lasker?”


What?” His shout rings in the wide-open space. “You can’t marry him!”


“I can’t? Oh, that’s too bad.” I tighten my hold on Sebastian, pressing my side against his. “’Cause I kinda already did.” I extend my left hand, so Preston can see my gorgeous Toi et Moi ring and the wedding band.


Sebastian flashes his as well. Man, we make a great team.


Preston blinks rapidly, his eyes fixed on our hardware. Finally, he jerks his head up, his face blotchy. “Why would you want him when you could have me?”


“Seriously? Are you blind?” I ask.


“I can see well enough to know those diamonds are tiny compared to the one I was going to give you!” He points at my finger.


I drop my gaze to his crotch for a second before lifting it back up. “His is both bigger and better than yours.”


Preston looks like he just got punched in the face by Mike Tyson. Sebastian shakes against me in silent laughter.


“What’s so funny?” Preston snarls.


“You.” Sebastian lets the laugh out. “You’re third-rate comedy, but at least you’re entertaining.” He wipes tears from his eyes.


Preston turns to me. “You bitch! It’s all your fault he’s mocking me!”


Sebastian steps forward, pulling away from my arm around his waist, as the mirth melts from his face. “Watch your tone if you want to keep your teeth. Nobody talks to my wife with disrespect.”


I pat his back a few times, to let him know it isn’t necessary for him to react like this. Part of me is flattered and moved that he’s defending me, but another part feels a bit unworthy of his protection because… Well, I did force him to marry me.


Preston slashes the air with his arm. “She’s my fiancée!”


“She was. You call my wife your fiancée again, and I’ll break your face.”





New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Nadia Lee writes sexy, emotional contemporary romance. Born with a love for excellent food, travel and adventure, she has lived in four different countries, kissed stingrays, been bitten by a shark, ridden an elephant and petted tigers.


Currently, she shares a condo overlooking a small river and sakura trees in Japan with her husband and son. When she’s not writing, she can be found reading books by her favorite authors or planning another trip.


Stay in touch with her via her website,, or her blog








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ARC Review - The King's Bride by P.S. Scott

 Thank you so much P.S. Scott for sending me this ARC!

Title: The King's Bride
Author: P.S. Scott
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Series: Scions of Underworld (book #3) - can be read as a standalone
Pages: 354


After her disastrous marriage to King Delton, Queen Xara has rebuilt her life as the most powerful crime lord in Inferno. Determined to carve her own path by taking back control of her country, she finds herself in a tough position when her cold husband returns. He's the enemy but he still makes her body burn with desire.

Powerful, ruthless, and cold, King Delton learned not to trust women early in life. The only woman he loved betrayed him and killed his parents. To exact revenge, Delton marries Princess Xara and cruelly exiles her, vowing never to fall in love. But thanks to a political issue, she’s back in his life, stirring up all the emotions that he’s tried so hard to suppress. And this time, the stakes are a lot higher.

As their silent showdown begins, Delton and Xara realize that an uncontrollable passion simmers beneath all the bitterness. A passion that threatens everything they’re fighting for. Delton is determined to hold onto his land, and Xara to her convictions, even if it means giving up on what they have. But to claim love—the ultimate victory—they must defeat the demons of the past and rise from the ashes.

Review & thoughts:

The King’s Bride is a Fantasy Romance book with a second chance enemies to lovers romance and an arranged marriage between a demon king and a human princess that I loved! It’s the third book in the Scions of the Underworld series, but can be read as a standalone (I haven’t read the two previous books and still enjoyed this one a lot). 

After marrying Xara to get revenge on her father, Delton exiled his new wife and spent almost a century away from her. But now, Delton needs to find the biggest criminal in his kingdom and he thinks Xara might be able to help him… But what he doesn’t know is that the wife he thought useless is actually the criminal he is trying to catch and with their pasts and presents colliding, Delton and Xara will realize they might have been wrong about each other and will have to decide if they want to take a chance to have more than a loveless marriage. 

I simply adore our main characters, both Xara and Delton were extremely well written and it was easy to relate to them and understand their decisions. Xara was a really great FMC, she became so strong and badass after the wedding and I loved reading about her double life, it was really interesting. Delton, our MMC, was also amazing and I loved reading about all the ways he was trying to win Xara when he finally realized his mistakes, there was also the case of “he falls first” in this book which is one of my favorite tropes!

After everything that happened in their pasts, Xara and Delton take a while to truly give themselves a second chance and I loved reading about their slow burn romance, they have so many great scenes together and it’s so worth the wait to see their relationship grow, I loved them as a couple. 

The King’s Bride is a really great Fantasy Romance, I loved the characters, the plot and the romance and hope we will get to see more of Xara and Delton in the author’s next books because I can’t get enough of them!



ARC Review - The Throne of Broken Gods by Amber Nicole

 Thank you so much Amber Nicole for sending me this ARC!

Title: The Throne of Broken Gods
Author: Amber Nicole
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Series: Gods & Monsters (book #2) 
Pages: 865


”Then, Samkiel, you will know this is how the world ends.”

But it was not this world. No, it was mine.

It was Dianna.

The world quakes in fear as the last shred of Dianna’s humanity is ripped from her. As it should. Grief consumes Dianna, burning away any semblance of good within her and threatening the budding relationship between her and Liam. Now, Liam must pull her back from the brink of complete damnation before time runs out.

Review & thoughts:

The Throne of Broken Gods is a Fantasy Romance, a second book in the Gods & Monsters series and it must be one of the best books I’ve ever read! I thought I loved Book of Azrael but wow, this sequel is even better, I absolutely loved it and am obsessed with this series!

After the heartbreaking ending of book 1, we find Dianna on her quest for vengeance and Liam/Samkiel trying his hardest to keep peace on Onuna and get her back. My heart was breaking for Dianna and everything she lost and went through, but I must say I loved this new version of her, she was such a badass and strong heroine, she is now definitely one of my favorite bookish female leads. I loved Samkiel in Book of Azrael and I fell even more in love with him in this book, he was just a perfect partner for Dianna, I loved how supporting and understanding he was and how he fought for her even when she didn’t want him to. They have an amazing slow burn romance, I loved reading about every moment they spent together and I can say all the waiting paid off, especially in the second half of the book, with so many beautiful (and spicy!) moments between them. I already miss these two and can’t wait for the next book. 

I also loved all the new POVs, it was great to see what was happening from different perspective and they sometimes brought a bit of comedy relief (I love Cameron!). And I must say, even through there were only 2 chapters from his POV, they made Kaden an even more interesting and complicated villain, we learnt some things I didn’t expect and am dying to know more about. This is a long book (over 700 pages I think) but I can honestly say I wasn’t bored for a single moment, it was paced perfectly and had so many mind-blowing revelations, plot twists and betrayals I couldn’t put it down and read it in one day.

The Throne of Broken Gods is an incredible Fantasy Romance book and amazing continuation to Book of Azrael that made me completely obsessed with this series. I loved everything about it and already can’t wait to read the next book in this series, especially after that cliffhanger that had me literally screaming (not as bad as book 1, but I still need book 3 ASAP!). If you liked Book of Azrael you definitely don’t want to miss this sequel, and if you haven’t started this series yet, you definitely should because it’s freaking fantastic!



ARC Review - My Neighbor, The Vampire by Brenna Harlow

 Thank you so much Brenna Harlow for sending me this ARC!

Title: My Neighbor, The Vampire
Author: Brenna Harlow
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Series: Shadowing Jane (book #1) 
Pages: 216


Samuel was never supposed to stay in New York City. Jane hadn't imagined leaving.

After Samuel is summoned to the city by his wicked 'uncle' and a cult of shadowy vampire overlords, he's forced to blend in, pretend to be human, and find an acceptable place to take up residence.

However, his new human neighbor's sensual moans each night are driving him crazy, and he wonders if he'll survive the experience intact.

Especially when an intruder breaks into her home and Samuel busts through the wall in order to protect her.

His scheme to break away from the Night Order's influence is now ruined, and since she's witnessed his true nature, the girl's life is unavoidably entwined with his. With limited options, he makes the only possible decision;

To disappear with her.

Review & thoughts:

I was so lucky to receive an ARC of this book from the author (thank you, Brenna!), I’ve wanted to read a good vampire book and this one definitely didn’t disappoint. I loved the world created by the author, it was really interesting and vampires were described in such a fascinating way. The plot was perfectly paced with a lot happening so I wasn’t bored for even a moment and slowing down in the right places so we could get to know the characters well. My favorite part was of course the romance. Samuel and Jane are perfect for each other, I could clearly see their attraction since their first meeting and I loved seeing their relationship progress, I would say it was a medium burn with some great spicy scenes and I can’t wait to see more of them in the next book. My Neighbor, The Vampire is a really fun and quick read with amazing romance, well-written characters and interesting plot that I really enjoyed and recommend to all paranormal romance readers.



ARC Review - Your Last First Kiss by Avery Maxwell

 Thank you so much Avery Maxwell for sending me this ARC!

Title: Your Last First Kiss
Author: Avery Maxwell
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series: Standalone
Pages: 402


My name is Penny Mulligan and my life is a mess. 

After a disastrous marriage that left me with three perfect, rowdy boys and an ex-husband whose middle name might as well be Trouble, I’ve got more than enough testosterone in my life. I’m absolutely not getting involved with anyone. 

Besides, at the end of the day when I collapse into bed, I’m too exhausted to think sexy thoughts. Except maybe about the one man who makes my life just a little easier…Mr. Wednesday, a.k.a. Dillon Henry.

Handsome, charming, thoughtful—the man is fantasy material. 

And not just because he brings me my favorite coffee every Wednesday when he meets with my boss. 

I’ll be ready to date again…someday…maybe after my boys are in college and I finally have the energy to think about myself. For now, I’m content to stick to my late-night fantasies about a certain coffee-bringing, suit-wearing flirt.

At least, that’s what I tell myself until Dillon Freaking Henry shows up on my doorstep in my hometown, demanding that I let him out of the friend zone.

He’s not intimidated by the fact that I’m a package deal or that my calendar is chaos or that my ex is a monumental pain in the…neck. Nope. Dillon is determined to change my mind. 

Part of me almost hopes he can.

Review & thoughts:

Your Last First Kiss is a small town friends to lovers romance with amazing characters and beautiful romance that I really enjoyed!

As a single mom trying to make her sons’ lives as great as possible, Penny doesn’t have time in her life for another man, but after 3 years of weekly coffee meetings, Dillon decides to convince Penny to give them a chance to become something more than friends. With Penny’s complicated family situation and Dillon’s new plans for the future, they will have to decide if being together is even possible for them. 

My heart was breaking so many times for Penny and her kids with everything they went through and I loved how Dillon was trying to always be there for them, support them and just love them. He is a perfect book boyfriend that I’m sure everyone is going to love and it was amazing to see his and Penny’s relationship grow after so many years of mutual pining, they deserve all the happiness and I loved seeing them together. The romance is a big part of this book and I loved seeing Penny open up to Dillon and accepting that she is worthy of love and all the little (and big) things Dillon made to help her accept it made me tear up a few times, these two were just incredible together. I also loved all the family dynamics, Penny, her children, Lia and Mari, Miller, Izzy and also Dillon made a true family and I loved seeing their moments together and how happy they were despite everything that happened. 

Your Last First Kiss is an amazing book about family and love. I loved it and already can’t wait for the next book set in Chance Lake, based on the teaser at the end it’s going to be amazing!



ARC Review - Slaying the Shifter Prince by Clare Sager

 Thank you so much Clare Sager for sending me this ARC!

Title: Slaying the Shifter Prince
Author: Clare Sager
Genre: Dark Fantasy Romance
Series: Standalone 
Pages: 388


She was willing to sacrifice anything for revenge. But she thought she was only gambling with her life… not her heart. 

Aerial performer Zita has dedicated ten years of her life to one thing and one thing alone: vengeance. Armed with an iron blade, she must take to the silks and give the performance of a lifetime to kill the notorious Prince of Monsters – the fae prince responsible for her sister’s death.

But when Zita’s plan fails, she finds herself imprisoned, sentenced to be the prince’s “pet” as punishment for her crime. With cruelty as sharp as his claws, Sepher is everything Zita expected from her enemy. Yet he’s also patient and obsessive, particularly when it comes to his “pet’s” punishment.

Nevertheless, Zita refuses to surrender – not even to a fae prince. Sepher may have collared her, but nothing can stop her from getting her revenge… not even at the cost of her heart

Review & thoughts:

Slaying the Shifter Prince is a standalone Dark Fantasy Romance book that was absolutely incredible, I loved it!

After 10 years of planning her revenge, Zita is finally going to avenge her sister by killing the cruel Fae prince, Sepher. But after a failed assassination attempt, the prince doesn’t kill Zita but makes her his pet. They both have reasons to hate each other, but the more time they spend together, the more their attraction grows and Zita will have to decide if getting her revenge is worth losing her heart.

This book is definitely the darkest and spiciest of Clare’s books so far and I absolutely loved everything about it. Zita and Sepher are amazing main characters, they are both morally grey and have a true enemies to lovers romance that had me screaming a few times, these two are so freaking perfect for each other despite their rocky start. I love revenge storyline and it was written perfectly here, Zita was strong and badass and I loved seeing her challenge Sepher. He was definitely playing the part of a villain in the beginning, but I fell for him pretty quickly and I loved that there was the ’he falls first’ trope here, it made me love him even more.

Slaying the Shifter Prince is an amazing book that I recommend to all fantasy romance lovers, trust me, this story is incredible! It has everything I love: true enemies to lovers romance with some spicy scenes, fascinating morally grey characters and interesting plot that kept me hooked since the first page! I already can’t wait for more books by this author and hope we will get to see Zita and Sepher again!



ARC Review - The Blood That Binds Us by Erin Mainord

 Thank you so much Erin Mainord for sending me this ARC!

Title: The Blood That Binds Us
Author: Erin Mainord
Genre: Dark Fantasy Romance
Series: Bound by Blood (book #1) 
Pages: 402


She is the wielder of blood magic,

and she may end them all.


Wren has never stolen a life, but that doesn’t stop her from believing her darkness makes her a walking nightmare. Harboring a power so lethal, unpredictable, and entirely forbidden by kingdom law, Wren’s spent her whole life hiding what she is—who she is. A bloodwitch.

Meanwhile, a war is looming, and Wren’s feral magic may be the only thing that can stop the uprising from destroying the kingdom, her home, and everyone that stands in their way. After her sister is captured by the rebellion, Wren must seek help from the kingdom’s ruler who would sooner imprison her than offer aid. Except… Singard needs her, and when she volunteers the use of her power in exchange for his help finding her sister, an unlikely alliance is born.

Forced into a reluctant compromise with the “white-haired witch,” Sin finds himself protecting Wren for his kingdom’s survival, but their star-crossed relationship quickly spirals into one straddling the precipice of hate and passion. As secrets are unveiled and loyalties are tested, neither are sure who they can trust. 
As hostilities deepen and war draws near, Wren is determined to rein in her wild magic and bind it to her will. With the lives of everyone she loves at stake, Wren must look within and decide if she is the monster she fears, or if there is light to be found in the darkest parts of herself.

Please note this is a dark romantic fantasy intended for audiences 18+. A complete list of content warnings is available on author's website.

Review & thoughts:

The Blood that Binds Us is a Dark Fantasy Romance and an excellent debut novel from Erin Mainord that I absolutely loved!

Wren is a bloodwitch, a type of mage that are hunted and killed on sight. When she is captured by the very man who gives orders to kill those like her, she agrees to use her unique powers to help defeat his enemies in exchange for her family’s safety. Wren and Sin hate each other, but can’t deny the attraction that grows the more time they spend together and when their secrets finally come to light, they will need to decide if anything between them is possible. 

Since the very first page we get thrown right in the middle of the action and I can honestly say there was not a single boring moment in this book. There was a bit of info dump in the beginning, but I was obsessed with Wren and Sin’s story by 5% and read the whole book in one sitting. Wren is an amazing FMC, she is strong and would do anything to protect those she loves, but she is definitely not perfect which made her relatable and made me love her even more. And when it comes to Sin… let’s just say he is the type of book boyfriend we all love: morally grey, obsessed with Wren and, despite their rocky beginnings, willing to do anything to protect her, but also supporting her and helping her with her powers. 

Of course, my favorite part of this book is the romance… Wren and Sin have a true enemies to lovers romance and I loved all their interactions, these two are perfect for each other and while the romance was slow burn, there was so much tension between them and when they finally get together, it’s explosive and so worth the wait. I love these two so much and already can’t wait to read more about them in the next book (especially after THAT ending, I’m dying to read the sequel!). 

The Blood That Binds Us is an incredible Dark Fantasy Romance book that I recommend to everyone who reads this genre (seriously, this book is so good!). I loved everything about it: the world building, amazing characters and of course the romance. Can’t wait to read more from this author!



ARC Review - Accidental Attachment by Max Monroe

 Thank you so much Max Monroe for sending me this ARC!

Title: Accidental Attachment
Author: Max Monroe
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Series: Standalone
Pages: 422


A successful writer accidentally sends her new (and super-dreamy) editor the wrong manuscript. Instead of the full-length paranormal novel she promised Longstrand Publishing, she sends the fan fiction she’s written about her crush…on him—including every detail of the hot, steamy “physical activity” she’s fantasized about happening between them.

And Chase Dawson may be the hottest man alive and a super-talented editor to boot, but he’s completely oblivious that he’s the star of the manuscript he just convinced his boss to green-light.

Brooke Baker has been through a lot in her thirty-one years of life.

A divorce.
A career change.
A move to New York City from “small-town” Ohio.
Not to mention, she has a bit of a medical condition that involves occasional fainting spells, mild embarrassment, and the companionship of her adorable service dog and canine sidekick, Benji.

But none of it has prepared her for this.

None of it prepared her for Chase Dawson.

Strong jaw, blue eyes, cut muscles, and a perfect swoop of superhero-worthy black hair, Chase’s features are those of a book boyfriend and then some. Obviously, Brooke would know—she literally filled an entire manuscript with it.

A manuscript no one was ever supposed to see.

Will she survive two months of revising and editing the sizzling romance she imagined with Chase in extremely close quarters with him? Or will the constant white lies and overwhelming attraction make her spontaneously combust?

Review & thoughts:

Accidental Attachment is the newest Romantic Comedy book by my favorite rom-com authors Max and Monroe and having read almost all their books I can honestly say this is one of their best books yet!

A successful writer Brooke is supposed to write her next best-seller but instead of that, she accidentally sends her editor a side project she wrote about him that was never supposed to see the light of day. Now forced to edit it together with Chase’s career depending on the success of the book, Brooke and Chase need to work closely together while Brooke pretends her crush on Chase is under control and Chase is ignoring his growing feelings for the hilarious author. 

Let me begin by saying I absolutely loved this book, these authors can do no wrong. I was laughing out loud so many times at Brooke’s inner thoughts and everything coming out of her mouth, she is just so funny. And Chase is the perfect book boyfriend, he is charming and supportive of Brooke, they are perfect together. And while the romance is definitely a slow burn, there is so much chemistry between Brooke and Chase I think it was even better that way and it’s so worth the wait when they finally get together. And the side characters were amazing too, especially Benji the dog! He was adorable and I loved how much of a friend he was to Brooke. I also loved seeing all the Easter eggs from other books by this authors, the mentions of my favorite billionaires had me screaming. 

Accidental Attachment is a really great romantic comedy with amazing characters and adorable romance with some spice. I loved everything about this book and really recommend it to everyone!



ARC Review - Slaying the Vampire Conqueror by Carissa Broadbent

 Thank you so much Carissa Broadbent for sending me this ARC!

Title: Slaying the Vampire Conqueror
Author: Carissa Broadbent
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Series: Standalone in Crowns of Nyaxia world
Pages: 423


She was commanded to kill him with a single strike to the heart. She didn’t expect her own to betray her. Sylina has sacrificed everything for her goddess–her soul, her freedom, her eyes. Life in service to the Arachessen, a cult of the Goddess of Fate, has turned Sylina from orphaned street-rat to disciplined killer, determined to overthrow Glaea’s tyrannical king. But when a brutal vampire conqueror arrives on their shores, Sylina faces an even deadlier adversary. She’s tasked with a crucial mission: infiltrate his army, earn his trust… and kill him. Atrius is a terrifying warrior carving an unstoppable path through Glaea. Yet when Sylina becomes his seer, she glimpses a dark and shocking past–and a side of him that reminds her far too much of parts of herself she’d rather forget. Sylina’s orders are clear. The conqueror cannot live. But as the blood spilled by Glaea’s tyrant king runs thicker, her connection with Atrius only grows stronger. A connection forbidden by her vows. A connection that could cost her everything. Slaying the Vampire Conqueror is a standalone fantasy romance set in the Crowns of Nyaxia world, full of heart-wrenching forbidden romance, dark curses, and epic battles – perfect for fans of The Bridge Kingdom and the From Blood and Ash series. It i s an installment of the heart-pounding fantasy romance series, Mortal Enemies to Monster Lovers . If you like forbidden romance, dark curses, bad*ss heroines, and morally-gray heroes, you’ll devour this sexy, addictive series.

Review & thoughts:

Slaying the Vampire Conqueror is a Fantasy Romance book and a standalone novel set in the world of Crowns of Nyaxia. I loved all Carissa’s books and this one is no exception, it’s incredible and a perfect read if you have a book hangover after finishing The Ashes and the Star-Cursed King!

Sylina is a priestess and an assassin, serving her beloved goddess since she was a child. When her country is attacked and being conquered by a vampire warrior, she is tasked with a mission to gain his trust and kill him, but the more time she spends with Atrius and the more she learns about life outside the priestess’ Keep, the more she realizes not everything is as she was taught and carrying out her mission might destroy her heart and her country.

I absolutely love everything about this book, the characters were so well written, both strong and imperfect, and the romance was just perfect enemies to reluctant allies to friends to lovers that had me screaming while reading some of the scenes between these two. Sylina and Atrius were just so amazing, I loved how their relationship progressed and how they both influenced each other to grow as characters, it was beautiful to watch their development. I also loved the plot, which was paced perfectly with no boring moments, and the magic system of the priestess’ was so unique and fascinating, I loved the idea of giving up their sight for the goddess and how they could see in a different way, it was so interesting and well described.

Slaying the Vampire Conqueror is an amazing story with great characters and beautiful enemies to lovers romance that I would happily read another 300 pages of, I so didn’t want to say goodbye to these characters. I definitely recommend it to all fantasy romance lovers and if you have read other books in Crowns of Nyaxia world you definitely need to read this one, there are some interesting Easter eggs!



ARC Review - Mayhem & Minnie by Veronica Lancet

  Thank you so much  Chaotic Creative Services  for sending me this ARC! Title: Mayhem & Minnie Author:  Veronica Lancet Genre: Dark Rom...